Sunday, 30 August 2009

From Kiev to Sumy

Sumy is comparably big city (200.000 people) located on north-east of Ukraine about 320 km from Kiev. I travelled there by car using the next route: Kiev - Gogoliv-Priluky- Romny - Nedrigailiv- Sumy.
This road appeared to be the one of the most picturesque ways that I ever seen. Almost feary-tale nature with wild forests, pure lakes and lovely hills has being following me during all the trip. I placed here a couple of picturs as example. By the way, it was a little surprising thing but the road quality was quite acceptible: no holes, no protuberances and rare villages - so it was a real plesure for me and my car.
Priluky -120 km from Kiev - an old kozak town now it is just a big village in Soviet style with no sign of any development and improvement, however the road doesn't go through this town, just passes by. There are two remarkeble places around Priluky - Kachanivka with preserved castle and amazing park that attracts people from the whole Ukraine and Gustynsky monastry - medieval architecture on a lovely island on cranky river. This monastry is well-known among religious people and have plenty of pilgrims each year not only from Ukraine but from Russia and Belorus as well.
Next small town is Romny (220 km from Kiev) - known from early slavic history place on hill upon a river. You have to go right through the center of the town, wich is not very nice but is just like other 1000 small towns in former USSR with no face and filled with standard grey blocks.
About 40 km from Romny towards the Sumy situated Nedrigailiv village. Remarkable thing about the village is that there are elefants pictured on Nedrigailiv'c Coat of Arms. I wondered what does it mean but got information that mammoth excavations where here and it is not an elephant but mammoth on the coat of arms.

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